Mahogany, celluloid and repurposed bronze recount the tale of the Essex, an American whaler sunk in 1820. Her epic encounter inspired Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick, and lives on in the lore...
The Conklin Pen Company® was established in 1898 during the golden era of fountain pens, and is still regarded as one of the most prominent pen manufacturers today. During the...
The Conklin Pen Company® was established in 1898 during the golden era of fountain pens, and is still regarded as one of the most prominent pen manufacturers today. During the...
The Conklin Pen Company® was established in 1898 during the golden era of fountain pens, and is still regarded as one of the most prominent pen manufacturers today. During the...
The Conklin Pen Company® is recognized as being one of the first companies to add the feature of true mobility to daily writing. In 1923, the Duragraph™ model was launched,...
The Conklin Pen Company® is recognized as being one of the first companies to add the feature of true mobility to daily writing. In 1923, the Duragraph™ model was launched,...
The Conklin Pen Company® is recognized as being one of the first companies to add the feature of true mobility to daily writing. In 1923, the Duragraph™ model was launched,...
The Conklin Pen Company® was established in 1898 during the golden era of fountain pens, and is still regarded as one of the most prominent pen manufacturers today. During the...
The Conklin Pen Company® was established in 1898 during the golden era of fountain pens, and is still regarded as one of the most prominent pen manufacturers today. During the...